Profile dr Pungky Mulawardhana SpOG (K)

       Place, Date of Birth  : Surabaya – Indonesia, 3 June 1981
       1993-1996 : Junior High School: SLTP Negeri I, Surabaya
       1996-1999 : High School: SMU Negeri V, Surabaya
       1999-2006 : Medical Doctor – Medical Faculty - Airlangga University
       2007-2011 : Ob/Gyn Resident – Ob/Gyn Departement – Soetomo teaching Hospital-Airlangga University, Surabaya
       2012 : Fellowship of Basic Surgical Skills in Gynecology, Dutch School-Gynecologic Oncology& Pelvic Surgery at UMC Utrecht – Netherlands
       2018 : Fellowship of Upper Radical Abdominal Surgery-National Cancer Center Seoul– South Korea
       2012-now   : Gynecologic Oncology Staff– Gynecology Oncology Division – Ob/Gyn department – Soetomo Teaching Hospital – Airlangga Hospital– Surabaya

1.       Comparison between CA-125, HE4 and combination of both CA-125 and HE4 to predict epithelial ovarian carcinoma-(2011)
2.       Demographical study, therapeutical respons and survival rate of stage III-IVA cervical cancer patient which underwent chemotherapy followed with radiotherapy in dr Soetomo hospital during year 2011-2013 – (2015)
3.       Study biocompatibility and osteogenic differentiation potential of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUCMSCs) with gelatin solvent – (2015)
4.       Pleural and lung metastasis in ovarian cancer patients treated in dr Soetomo hospital during year 2014-2015 – case report – (2017)
5.       Expression of CD44 (Cancer Stem Cell Marker) as recurrence prognostic factor in stage III epithelial ovarian cancer-2017
April 2004       : Workshop Knot and Tying Skill - Surgeon Department - Soetomo
   Teaching Hospital - Surabaya - Indonesia
January 2005  : Primary Trauma Care Management Course - World Federation of
  Societies if Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) - Soetomo Teaching Hospital –
  Surabaya - Indonesia
April 2006       : Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course. Surabaya - Indonesia
June 2007        : Basic Surgical Skill Course I. Bali - Indonesia
July 2007         : PIT POGI, Mataram - Indonesia
September 2007 : New Hope in Cervical Cancer Prevention, Surabaya - Indonesia
February 2008 : Surabaya Obstetrics and Gynecology Update I (SOGU I), Surabaya –
December 2008 : Surabaya Gynecologic Surgery (SGS): Operating Theatre Course
                             (OTC), Surabaya - Indonesia
August 2009     : Obstetrics Gynecologic Congress Indonesia XIV - Surabaya - Indonesia
February 2010  : Surabaya Obstetrics and Gynecology Update III (SOGU III), Surabaya -  
June 2010        : Basic Surgical Skill Course II (Endoscopic Surgery). Bali - Indonesia
December 2011 : Surabaya Gynecologic Surgery : Symposium IV – Indonesia
June 2012        : Speaker. Pendidikan Ilmiah Kedokteran Berkelanjutan (PIKB) II –
  Demam: Kawan atau Lawan? Surabaya - Indonesia
2012                : Fellowship of Basic Surgical Skills in Gynecology, Dutch
  School-Gynecologic Oncology& Pelvic Surgery at UMC
Utrecht – Netherlands
February 2013  : Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Course. Surabaya - Indonesia
April 2013       : Surabaya Obstetrics and Gynecology Update 5 (SOGU 5) - Indonesia
September 2013 : Precancer Lesion Workshop – HOGI. Medan – Indonesia
September 2013 : PIT POGI. Medan - Indonesia
December 2013 : Poster Presentation. 3rd Biennial Meeting of Asian Society of
     Gynecologic Oncology. Kyoto – Japan
February 2014  : the 19th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology &
  infertility (COGI) – Macau
October 2015 : the 19th International Meeting of the European Society of Gynaecological
 Oncology. Nice – France
April 2016 : the 5th International Video Workshop on Radical Surgery in Gynecological
         Oncology. Prague – Czech Republic
August 2019 : PIT POGI. Surabaya - Indonesia

No HP/ WA : +628123009606
Ig: @pungkym

Jadwal Praktek
Dharmahusada Indah A-28
Kamis jam 19-21
Sabtu jam 18-20
Pendaftaran +6281381323332

Senin jam 14-15 (dengan perjanjian)
Selasa Rabu jam 19-21
Kamis jam 16-17 (dengan perjanjian)
Pendaftaran +62811325367

Senin Jumat jam 15-17 (dengan perjanjian)
Rabu jam 16-18 (dengan perjanjian)
Pendaftaran +62315914855

Daftar rumah sakit untuk tindakan persalinan/ operasi:
-          RSIA PUTRI
-          RSIA LOMBOK 22


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